Pollution Solution: Stormwater Protection
A $15,000 fine issued to a western Sydney glass recycler has increased the awareness of how serious the EPA is about preventing solids from entering the storm water system.
EPA Director Regulatory Operations Cate Woods said, “The glass can break and enter the environment as wind blown particles or be washed into the storm water system.”
In an effort to make it clear that they are applying an equal focus to all players in the recycling industry, Cate Woods went on to say, “The EPA wants to ensure there is a level playing field for all resource recovery operators and that includes complying with the terms of their Environment Protection Licence and the law.
“This is a timely reminder for all licence holders that they must comply with all conditions of their licence”, Ms Woods said.
The Flat Drain Guard is an efficient and low cost solution to preventing solids and sediment from entering on site drains. Once installed, this passive filter sits out of traffic areas under the grate allowing for the normal operation of the area.
Installation and monitoring are easy as it all takes place above ground so no confined spaces protocols are required.
The Flat Drain Guard has the added benefit of acting as a hydrocarbon filter. Independent laboratory testing shows the Flat Drain Guard removes over 99% of oils and fuels. This makes it ideal for carparks and areas where oil contaminated wash down is entering the drains.